
  • 3 Nov 2021 12:51 PM | Anonymous

    Prime rib was on the menu at the Club Luncheon November 3, 2021.

    President Mike Boland rang the bell and led the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Jim Melvin gave a moving invocation, asking us to remember those who are no longer with us.  Jay Jeffcoat introduced some of us to "Columbia Gem of the Ocean," and we hope to sing it again soon!

    Chairman of the Day Ryan Callan helped us welcome Valerie Lowe and Maren Kavanagh from I Love a Clean San Diego.

    We were pleased to get an update from the Foundation for the Children of the Americas from Jose Gonzalez and present him with a check.

    If you didn't attend, you can catch it all on the Zoom recording:

  • 20 Oct 2021 11:59 AM | Anonymous

    A fun time was had by all at the October 19, 2021 Club Luncheon.

    President Mike Boland started off the meeting by ringing the bell and leading the Pledge of Allegiance.  Next up was Shaun McArdle's Invocation.  A rousing chorus of "God Bless America" was up next, led by Doug Frost.

    Chairman of the Day Justin Frisco introduced the speaker, Craig Dado, of the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, who spoke about Breeder's Cup.


    We celebrated October birthdays:

    • Gordon Boerner - 10/1
    • Susan Day - 10/3
    • John Rush - 10/7
    • Dick Shaw - 10/14
    • Jay Jeffcoat - 10/16
    • Monica Ball - 10/19
    • Gary Knight - 10/26

    Jay Jeffcoat was honored with a Diamond Level George F. Hixson Fellowship for his support of Kiwanis and the community.

    And, Capt Randy Morgan USN (Ret) was presented with a check for the Seal Family Foundation.

    If you missed the fun, you can catch it all on our Zoom recording:

  • 23 Sep 2021 12:31 PM | Anonymous

    President Mike Boland presided over the San Diego Kiwanis Club's Annual Installation meeting.  Brian Krause and Karina Sousa hosted, reprising their roles from "Anchorman."

    President Boland led the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Justin Frisco's invocation.

    Carl Nettleton was in attendance to celebrate his September birthday, but Claire LeBeau was missed.

    Legion of Honor awards were given to:

    • Shaun McArdle - 31 years 
    • Jim Melvin - nearly 50 years (in January)

    Distinguished Service Awards were given to:

    • Glen Honig
    • Sally Hazzard
    • Heather Robinson

    The William A. Dunlap Fellowship was awarded to:

    • David Jay
    • Steve Morris

    The George F. Hixson Fellowship was awarded to

    • Jay Jeffcoat
    • Gordon Boerner

    And, Gordon Boerner was presented with his Hixson by our newest member Sanam Charlton, who was also recognized for her fast track to full membership.

    The 2021-2021 Club Board was installed by Division 11 Lt. Governor Gary Trieschman and includes:

     President Mike Boland 
     Immediate Past President  Judy Leitner
     Vice President Susan Day 
     Club Secretary  Karina Sousa
     Club Treasurer  Ryan Callan
     Class of 2022 Gary Knight
      Gordon Boerner 
     Class of 2023  Glen Honig
       Brian Krause
     Class of 2024  Monica Ball
       Justin Frisco

    If you missed the fun or want to check it out again, you can watch the video:

    Looking forward to seeing you October 5th at our next luncheon!

  • 23 Aug 2021 9:34 AM | Anonymous

    The Club eased into its second meeting in August with a robust lineup and some great events on the horizon. President Mike Boland rang the bell and welcomed everyone to the meeting before making sure the newly acquired “Talking Stick” was in a prominent position.

    Club member Justin Frisco delivered the invocation and instead of the Kiwanis Club singing a song to kickstart the meeting – they listened to a great “rap” from Kiwanis International. It’s not often you see a 100-year-old Club really enjoy a stylized rap performance.


    President Boland introduced the speaker for the day – Greg Geisen who is leading the Facilities Plans & Revitalization for the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command.

    Greg gave a great presentation with slide show that discussed the plans for the Old Town Campus. The Naval Base Point Loma Old Town Campus is home to Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR), which needs new mission-capable and modern facilities to support its cyber security mission. The Navy is considering plans to maximize the value of approximately 70.5 acres of Navy-owned underutilized property at the Old Town Campus to support NAVWAR needs. NAVWAR provides $3.2 billion annually to the San Diego regional economy. The potential redevelopment would bring additional economic benefits to the region through the construction and operation of new commercial, residential, and transportation facilities.

    After a robust question and answer period Mike thanked Mr. Geisen for his time and invited him to come back and give updates anytime in the future.

    The Bill’s Bucks portion of the meeting was up next, and members were very cheerful givers! Joe Sigurdson had lots of great news about Boys2Men, and Ryan Callan shared his recent travel news and was fined for failing to bring back an item for the auction!

    The Club was reminded they have some great events coming up and are encouraged to attend as many as possible:

    Don’t forget to subscribe to the Kiwanis YouTube Channel and follow us on Facebook (@SDKiwanis)

  • 6 Aug 2021 7:46 PM | Anonymous

    On August 3rd the SDKC returned to the Admiral Baker Clubhouse & Golf Course for the first regular in person meeting of 2021. President Boland rang the bell to start the luncheon and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Club member Karina Sousa shared the Invocation and helped Doug Frost lead the attendees in “You’re a Grand Old Flag.”

    The Bill’s Bucks portion of the meeting was again robust as people donated happy and sad dollars in honor of longtime Club member Bill Gibbs who attended meetings until shortly before his death at 106 years of age. During the donation segment at meetings, he would give a dollar (or more!) and say, “I’m still here!”

    President Boland appointed Club member Carl Nettleton as the Chairperson of the Day. Carl extended the speaking invitation to Nancy Gudiño from Cross Border Xpress CBX. Unfortunately, Nancy was not able to join the luncheon and Carl filled in for her after she graciously shared her slide show and notes with him. Carl was familiar with the project and shared insights he had learned as well.

    We hope to see you soon Nancy!

    Club member Chuck Day was at the luncheon and represents Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego. They were a recipient of a SD Kiwanis Club Community Impact Grant in 2020-2021 and Chuck wanted to update the members on how the money was being used to assist families who have sick children and are living at the House. We appreciate all RMHC is doing for children and families in need and is a big reason the SDKC turns out for Red Shoe Day every year! 

    Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Annual Awards and Installation Luncheon on September 23rd which will feature Brian Krause (Brian Burgundy) and Karina Sousa (Karina Corningstone) as the hosts of the “Anchor Man” themed presentation. You won’t want to miss it!

    Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy - Movie Review - The Austin Chronicle

  • 23 Jul 2021 6:35 PM | Anonymous

    It was a great day on Wednesday, July 20th as the San Diego Kiwanis Club met for their first IN-PERSON luncheon meeting in over 18 months! Spirits were high as members started arriving early for the Annual Meeting of the Club. Warm greetings and hugs were exchanged, and everyone picked out festive leis for the occasion while they caught up with dear friends.

    President Mike Boland rang the official Kiwanis Bell and after establishing a quorum was present he went straight into the meeting agenda for the day where the Annual Meeting minutes of the July 21, 2020, meeting were approved.  Mr. Boland read the slate of the Club Officers and Directors and called for a vote. And there was no suspense as the Club gratefully accepted and voted their affirmation of the presented slate!

    Election of 2021/2022 Club Officers and the Class of 2024 Club Board of Directors

    Mike Boland, President

    Judy Leitner, Immediate Past President

    Susan Day, Vice President

    Karina Sousa, Club Secretary

    Ryan Callan, Club Treasurer

    2022 - Gordon Boerner, Gary Knight

    2023 - Glen Honig, Brian Krause

    2024 - Monica Ball, Justin Frisco

    Welcome to our new and returning members of the Club Board – we appreciate your service!

    With the business portion of the day taken care of it was time to celebrate with more lighthearted subjects. Having just returned from vacation and in the tradition of the Club when you do, President Boland presented a Native American talking stick for the Club Raffle and the bidding was intense from the start!

    While several people bid, it came down to a heated battle between David Jay and Jay Jeffcoat who both wanted the item. In a classy Kiwanis manner, they decided to purchase it for the Club to keep and have at its meetings.  

    Thank you gentlemen!

    And since it was called a “talking stick” and it was time for the Bill’s Bucks portion of the meeting, everyone wanted a chance to hold it while they put in their happy or sad dollars.  


    And since it was called a “talking stick” and it was time for the Bill’s Bucks portion of the meeting, everyone wanted a chance to hold it while they put in their happy or sad dollars.  

    With time for just a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chuck Day we moved into the final portion of the meeting. 

    Long time member and SUPER Club supporter Dick Shaw was in attendance and was awarded a life-time Honorary Membership in the Club and will not pay dues for the rest of his life! His membership, legal advice, and general support to both the Club and Foundation has been invaluable over many years and the San Diego Kiwanis Club can literally say it wouldn’t be same or even AROUND if not for the efforts of this amazing gentleman. Thank you for your service Dick Shaw!

  • 24 Jun 2021 11:54 AM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club did not have its usual first Tuesday meeting in June due to Memorial Day, so it really made the SECOND Tuesday lunch count with a great speaker, guests, and activities! President Mike Boland opened the meeting shortly after 12:00 pm with the ringing of the official Kiwanis bell. Club member Gordon Boerner presented the invocation which set the tone for the rest of the meeting.

    Guests Mary Darling from SDSU was welcomed and she thanked the Club for their continued “Aztec Zeal” as the stadium site continues its construction project. Gordon stepped back in to introduce his guest Sanam Charlton, who is the Youth Services Managing Coordinator with Just in Time for Foster Youth.

    President Boland handed the gavel to Chairperson of the day – Judy Leitner who was thrilled to introduce her guests and the speaker for the day from Mana De San Diego. Samantha Jimenez, who is the Executive Administrative Assistant for the organization was in place to assist with the technical aspects of the presentation for Executive Director, Dr. Inez González Perezchica. 

    Dr. Perezchica told the Club more about Mana De San Diego which began in 1986, when five insightful local Latinas recognized the significant need for a unifying force – a strong Latina voice advocating for a greater Latina presence and a deeper Latina involvement in the educational, economic, political, and social arenas.

    Those pioneering and resourceful women created that unifying force and voice by establishing the San Diego Chapter of MANA, a national Latina organization whose mission is to empower Latinas through education, leadership development, advocacy, and community service.

    MANA short for “Hermana”, the Spanish word for sister, is a dynamic sisterhood of Latinas bound together by common history, culture, language, and goals.

    Eri Nall joined the meeting to talk about what is being done and continues to be done with the funds from the San Diego Kiwanis Club grant award. Eri has been a Counselor with the San Diego Unified School District for over 15 years and had a lot to say. She zoomed in from a classroom and walked the members through the different programs, resources and materials that have been provided in the last 12-months by the Club as well as pointing out other curriculum items that have been gifted in the past. The Club could not be happier with what she is doing to help the children of San Diego.

    If Club members missed recent events they are probably sad. Mike Boland was happy to share that the in-person Summer Social at Karina Sousa’s place in Crown Point was a wild success with 20 current and prospective Club members rotating in and out of the meet-up. Thank you to Karina for her gracious hosting!

    The fines, and happy/sad dollars were next with a few members being called out. Jay Jeffcoat seems to be quite the man about town with a video clip from a local news station being shown of Jay discussing the Padres. There was no mention of the Club, so he was asked to pony up some cash. Which he did willingly!

    The Club also saw photo of its NEWEST member (we hope) baby Scotty West LeBeau who was welcomed by parents Claire and Grant on May 30th and while we will not show it here for privacy reasons – she is an amazingly cute baby! Congrats to the LeBeau’s!

    We will take July 6th off due to the Independence Day Holiday and see everyone back IN PERSON at the Club’s Annual Meeting on July 20th at the Bali Hai Restaurant.

    Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to the Kiwanis YouTube Channel!

  • 20 May 2021 5:46 PM | Anonymous

    Club President Mr. Mike Boland opened the meeting and after the pledge and invocation the tone was set nicely by a great video from Kiwanis International. Follow THIS LINK for the reason WHY we ALL work so hard for children!

    President Boland recognized the Bonita Kiwanis Club who had members at the meeting for an Interclub and Bonita President Peter Matz introduced his crew and highlighted some of their activities. Mr. Boland then handed the reins over to the Chairperson for the day, Judy Leitner. Judy was thrilled to introduce Gaidi Finnie, the Executive Director of the San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art.

    Mr. Finnie shared the purpose of the museum and how the contributions of African Americans to the art world is well documented. He is excited about new opportunities to experience some of the best art the country has produced. The SDAAMFA features art that is original, thought-provoking, interesting, and most of all a little something for everyone.

    The newest offering is the "Say Their Names" Memorial Exhibit which is a memorial honoring persons who have died at the hands of those perpetuating injustice and systemic racism. This grassroots exhibit had its start in Portland Oregon and is an outgrowth of the protest that took place nationwide in 2020. The informal outcry is now an organization called the "Say Their Names Memorial" In San Diego, the exhibit will also recognize local Civil Rights advocates who have worked to level the playing field. While the "Say Their Names" exhibit has been shown in over 25 cities. This is the first exhibition south of Los Angeles County.

    During the BILL$ Buck$ portion of the meeting the Club took in some hefty happy and sad dollars with Gordon Boerner paying handsomely for missing the previous SDSU luncheon presentation. And he calls himself an Aztec?

    In case anyone had forgotten it was Membership Month we shared highlights and upcoming opportunities for the Club.

    Everyone was excited to be reminded about the IN-PERSON SOCIAL coming up on Friday, 21st and attendance registrations have surged. We cannot wait to be in person for some laughs and stories by the beach. Thanks to Karina Sousa for hosting us!

    Just a reminder to everyone that we have two “NO MEETING” Tuesdays coming up so make a note.

  • 7 May 2021 4:57 PM | Anonymous

    The Zoom Room was abuzz on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, as the Club got ready to welcome Gina Jacobs, the Associate Vice President for the SDSU Mission Valley Development. President Mike Boland rang the bell and members took part in the pledge of allegiance.

    After Mike reminded everyone that May is MEMBERSHIP month for us, Club member Lauren Cook read the invocation:

    With are friends beside us and no person beneath us, with the bonds of Kiwanis between us and our worries behind us, with our goals before us, and no task beyond us, with a thirst for knowledge, and a dream of a disease-free world, we are thankful for our Kiwanis friends and the meeting we are about to have. Let us offer thanks for our circumstances and blessings for one another and for absent friends.

    Jay Jeffcoat was appointed the chairperson of the day and there was no one more suitable to introduce Ms. Jacobs. While Mr. Jeffcoat thanked her for her efforts on the behalf of the University he took the moment to sneak in some SDSU sports references as well. Gina’s full bio can be found in full HERE.

    Ms. Jacobs thanked everyone for their well wishes upon her return to speak to the club. She noted that SDSU is in the process of tearing down the old MV stadium will working simultaneously on a smaller (35,000 person) venue. The University is hopeful that it will be completed in time for the 2022 football season in the fall of next year. Gina noted that the site is more than a stadium and will also include residential units, office and research space, shops space, parks and recreational areas and an Innovation Center.

    The club was excited to find they were seeing the new slide show before most others and had a lot of questions about how things would ultimately look. One thing is clear, everyone is eagerly awaiting the grand opening.

    After noting the May Birthdays, members took a moment to give happy or sad dollars (Bill$ Buck$) in honor of feted Club member Bill Gibbs who attended meetings until shortly before his death at 106 and always gave money to the Club because he was still ALIVE!

    Club Engagement Director Karina Sousa contributed $100 considering her upcoming birthday and time spent in the Club while other where thankful for trips, acts of service, and even their own organizations. After collecting funds, we welcomed Connor Leone from ECOLIFE who thanked the Club for its recent gift that allows them to continue their work with aquaponic indoor fish tanks that provide food for children. More info HERE

    After member news and a review of upcoming events Mr. Boland rang the bell to end the meeting. Everyone is encouraged to register for the Tuesday, May 18th event which will feature the San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art and their traveling exhibit, Say Their Names which will be coming to the Martin Luther King Promenade in July 2021.

  • 27 Apr 2021 2:33 PM | Anonymous

    Tuesday, April 20th was a big day for the San Diego Kiwanis Club as it took some “me” time and concentrated on Club opportunities and elements which might have been forgotten while we dealt with a global pandemic.

    Club President Mike Boland opened the meeting and thanked everyone for being there on day set aside to refresh. We were honored to have Jeremy Alexander from the Salvation Army with us, and he gave a lovely invocation. We hope to see more of Jeremy in the future…perhaps as a member? Afterwards Mr. Boland invited Club member Justin Frisco to take over duties as the Chairman of the Day.

    Justin was happy to introduce Bernard Mauricia from Oncology and Kids, which is an organization that provides safe spaces for children affected by cancer and their families to create lasting memories, forge lifelong friendships, and build the resiliency they need to heal. They are a recipient of a Kiwanis Club of San Diego Community Impact Grant and Justin was a supporter of their application. Bernard thanked the club for their support and told us how the money would be used to support children.

    Club Program Director Karina Sousa took the reins and highlighted upcoming birthdays in addition to events and the upcoming Governor’s visit. The Club’s member survey is still being circulated and if you have not submitted yours – you have another chance. SURVEY HERE

    The Club then took time to discuss and highlight volunteer opportunities, committee assignments and most of all Club membership as we move into the possibility of more, in person events.

    We hope to see everyone on Tuesday, April 4th for our session: SDSU Mission Valley: Built for San Diego with Gina Jacobs!

    See you soon! 

Join our Club and perform extraordinary things in your community!

Kiwanis Club of San Diego is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

3276 Rosecrans Street, Suite 202, San Diego, CA   92110-4893

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