
  • 13 Jul 2020 3:38 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club started July with a bang at the first Tuesday luncheon with President Judy Leitner ringing the bell promptly at noon. Club Secretary Karina Sousa led the pledge and Foundation Immediate Past President Justin Frisco gave a moving eulogy that set just the right tone.

    After a quick review of ZOOM etiquette Judy welcomed guests beginning with former member and long-time Kiwanian Chuck Mulroy greeting the group and giving a brief update of what he had been up to. Nostalgic stories abound when long time members June Prewitt and John Rush weighed in with their own happenings. June had a birthday coming up and pledged over $100 to the Club and Foundation in honor of the milestone.

    Guest Anthony Gamino was present, and as he introduced himself, he told us why he was interested in joining the Club. He seems to have a heart for volunteering and his membership will be active soon!

    There were many members who had not remembered to wear their pin or badge and the fines were handed out liberally and even President Leitner had to submit cash for her pin oversight. While fines were being discussed the “Bill’s Bucks” portion of the day took over and guests and members contributed money to tell about life items that made them happy, sad or both. It was a welcome surprise to find Justin Frisco had brought back a gift (Delicious wine) from his recent vacation and he gave it up for the highest bidder…who ended up being Chuck Mulroy – who bought it in honor of Birthday Girl June Prewitt. Thank you, Justin, and congrats to June!


    o   7/6 – Charlie Coleman

    o   7/8 – Danny Williams

    o   7/9 – June Prewitt

    o   7/20 – Chuck Day

    o   7/29 – Rick Webster

    Patrick Hall from Kiwanis International attended to give an update on the Kiwanis Children’s Fund and the good work it does globally. We were excited to hear the San Diego Kiwanis Club is in the top 2% of giving for the organization!  For the Kiwanis family, the Children's Fund is a way of reaching children through grants, scholarship programs and Kiwanis youth programs. 

    Kiwanis Children's Fund

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation held its annual meeting with President Jim Floros briefing the Club on what the Foundation had done over the last year. He reminded the audience that the Foundation gives away thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants each year to local, community-based non-profits and organizations.  He welcomed Tim Callan from Callan Capital to update the Club on the investments and financial planning that drives the fund. Mr. Callan shared market update that were especially timely considering COVID-19 hits on the Stock Market and ended with a report that the Foundation has over five million dollars in the fund as of 7/7/2020.

    The meeting closed with reminders about upcoming events including the wildly popular trivia night on Tuesday, July 14th. Will you be there?

    San Diego Kiwanis June 2020 Review.pdf

    Watch the full video of the meeting below! 

  • 18 Jun 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    San Diego Kiwanis Club Notice of Annual Meeting

    This Annual Meeting will include the Election of 2020/2021 Club Officer and the Class of 2023 Club Board of Directors, as well as the election of the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation 2020/2021 Board of Trustees.

    Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Time: Noon, or as soon thereafter as the meeting is called to order


    Posted: Thursday, June 18, 2020

    By: Karina Sousa, Club Secretary

    Annual Meeting of the General Membership of the

    San Diego Kiwanis Club

    July 21, 2020





    Mike Boland, President

    Judy Leitner, Immediate Past President

    Susan Day, Vice President

    Gary Knight, Club Secretary

    Ryan Callan, Club Treasurer

    2021 Alexandra Kritchevsky, Heather Robinson

    2022 Sally Hazzard, Karina Sousa

    2023 Glen Honig, Brian Krause



    July 21, 2020 Kiwanis Club of San Diego Annual Meeting Agenda

    July 16, 2019 Kiwanis Club of San Diego Annual Meeting Minutes 

  • 16 Jun 2020 5:04 PM | Anonymous

    President Judy Leitner rang the bell at noon and the festivities started. Shaun McArdle led the pledge, followed by the invocation and then it was time to talk to attendees.

    President Leitner welcomed guest Sue Varga from the Balboa Park Conservancy as well as Nancy McArdle, Shaun’s daughter, and Tim Rice from SDSU. June Birthdays brought on a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday for David Jay, Jennifer Lim, Eldon Thompson, Ryan Callan, and Justin Frisco.

    Ms. Leitner asked Alexandra Kritchevsky from the New Children’s Museum to share their ongoing efforts to serve children. Downtown resident and Club member Jay Jeffcoat remarked that he walked his dog Buddy by the museum every day and that the Kiwanis Club Signage for their donation needed refurbishing. Before anyone could comment he also offered to pay for a new one! Thanks Jay!

    Brian Krause introduced Tim Rice from SDSU who gave an update on the progress of the stadium site and ongoing work at San Diego State University. His slide show was informative and gave a timeline for when construction would begin and end.

    Club member Carl Nettleton introduced the main speaker of the day, Bill Toone from ECOLIFE Conservation who with his position at the San Diego Zoo, traveled extensively and ultimately worked in over 30 countries including Papua New Guinea, Borneo, Paraguay, Cameroon, and Madagascar. He worked with animal species from the birds of paradise, iguanas, Chacoan peccaries, giant armadillos, elephants, and gorillas.

    Bill shared some of his lesser known stories themed around Gorillas, including the time he accompanied Joan Embry and a juvenile gorilla to meet Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show! The meeting adjourned at 1:30 with some staying on to socialize and ask Bill questions.

    Please join us for our virtual Club meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at noon!

    Watch Bill Toone in action below! 

  • 3 Jun 2020 12:43 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club celebrated yet another FIRST as it hosted a VIRTUAL Online Cheese Tasting for the first meeting of the month.  Club members and guests who signed up before the event were able to secure a specially made cheese plate from Vennissimo Cheese. The self-titled San Diego “Home of Cheese” put together 35 cheese plates for Club members who picked them up ahead of the Tuesday meeting!

    President Judy Leitner welcomed the group with the ringing of the bell and led the pledge of allegiance. The Club moved through the invocation and songs with obvious enthusiasm and anticipation of the upcoming presentation. There were numerous guests including Brittany Beisner, June Frost, Joyce Gattas, Emily Krause, Sue Varga, Laura Schumache and Theo Shreve-Russell who dialed in from Orange County!

    The Club once again shared their ups and down during “Bill’s Bucks” and raised over $200 for the Club. We have 5 birthdays in June:

    6/7 - David Jay

    6/11 - Jennifer Lim

    6/12 - Eldon Thompson

    6/13 - Ryan Callan

    6/18 - Justin Frisco

    Club Member Monica Ball gave an update on her organization UPLIFT and how they were faring during COVID-19 and everyone was happy to hear about the positives as the organization serves a very vulnerable population of San Diego.

    A cow standing on top of a grass covered field Description automatically generated

    Finally, the big moment had arrived and President Leitner welcomed Rob Graff, also known as “RobbyG Professor McCheese” to walk the group through the selections that had been prepared. The plate featured four cheeses with various accoutrements including fruit, crackers, nuts, and herbs.  The professor circled the plate and highlighted all the tastings and pairings available that day and gave a detailed explanation, history, and best practices for tasting.

    It was heaven! Although the Club was reticent to quit all things must come to and end and the meeting adjourned at 1:30. We are looking forward to welcoming Bill Toone from ECOLIFE Conservation on June 16th!

  • 20 May 2020 12:01 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club finished off May with a great meeting and an eye toward wellness. Club President Judy Leitner welcomed everyone on time and went straight into the Pledge of Allegiance. Club Secretary Karina Sousa shared a meaningful invocation that was especially timely and fitting for our current world.

    The Club participated in a quick refresher on ZOOM etiquette and welcomed guests to the meeting including Christy Boland, who IS related to Mike, and Joanna Luz from the Point Loma Kiwanis Club. Mr. Boland highlighted Club members Greg Maginn from Cal State Games and Alexandra Kritchevsky from the New Children’s Museum who were joining for the first time since the quarantine hit.

    Bill’s Bucks raised over $300 dollars as club members put in donations for various reasons including renewed work opportunities and small blessings brought by current circumstances. Secretary Sousa shared Club Tidings from 1995 and there were some surprising names and facts!

    Mike welcomed special presenter Isabel Lorimer who is the Director of Community Fitness for Fitness Together Rancho Bernardo. Isabel went through some basic wellness facts and best practices and then asked everyone to get out of their chairs.  She led the group through general stretching and breathing exercises for all levels of movement and demonstrated how they should look and feel for participants. After 20 minutes of exercise she took questions and agreed to send the stretches and other suggestions to the Club for future use.

    The meeting adjourned at 1:30. Please joins us on June 2nd for a Virtual Cheese Tasting from Venissimo Cheese!

  • 5 May 2020 8:32 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club kept the momentum on a roll with another great Virtual Luncheon Meeting on Tuesday, May 5th. The Cinco De Mayo vibes were flowing with several members featuring themed video backgrounds and vibrant regional clothing! President Judy Leitner welcomed guests with the ringing of the bell and Jay Jeffcoat led the pledge of allegiance. Susan Day focused the meeting with an invocation and the introductions began!

    President Leitner welcomed members guests Lauren Welch from Urban Corp as well as Jarabe Mexicana lead singer Gustavo Alcoser. Club members were disappointed they were unable to proceed with the annual Balboa Park Cinco De Mayo celebration as planned but were grateful that Gustavo was online to make sure we had a portion of the concert. Birthdays were featured with members Karina Sousa, Mark McDonald and Eric Wever all celebrating in the month of May. 


    Bill’s Bucks always takes place mid-meeting and this time was no exception. During this portion of the meeting, members can update the group on current events in their lives as well as work and community updates while making a contribution to the general fund. Did you know you can donate to the Club at ANY time? It is true! Just visit the SD Kiwanis website and press the “DONATIONS” link.

    President Leitner announced the winner of the best Cinco De Mayo themed Zoom window and Karina Sousa took home the big prize. Everyone looked great but she stood out!

    Doug Frost shared some “Tidings” news from the past – though some things have not changed!

    David Brown from the San Diego Sherriff’s Department updated the group on current law enforcement efforts during COVID-19 and how the pandemic has changed many of their day-to-day practices. He shared statistics and information on where to go for community resources. After a question and answer session Judy Leitner thanked Mr. Brown for his time and prepped to close the meeting. Before everyone left, she shared that today’s meeting was in Memoriam for long time Club member Ron Monroe.

    Check the Kiwanis calendar for upcoming events and we hope to see you soon!

  • 21 Jan 2020 11:04 AM | Anonymous

    You missed a great Club Meeting on Tuesday, January 21st! We welcomed an interclub from the Anaheim Kiwanis Club, heard from Aztec Marching Drum Line Students and accepted fines and Happy Dollars from Club Members. Join us on Tuesday, February 4th as we welcome and honor local law enforcement professionals. Aren't a member yet? Join us for a meeting - the first luncheon is on us!

  • 23 Jul 2019 3:01 PM | Anonymous

    Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the General Membership of the

    San Diego Kiwanis Club

    July 16, 2019


    The meeting was called to order at 12:34 p.m. by Secretary Karina Sousa.

    A quorum of members was determined to be present.


    A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the May 18,2018 Annual Meeting as submitted, which passed unanimously.


    The following Members, having been nominated by the Nominating Committee and in accordance with the Club Bylaws, were elected unanimously by the Members present, following a motion and second, to serve as the Officers of the Club, for 2019-2020:

    Judy Leitner, President

    Brian Krause, Immediate Past President

    Mike Boland, Vice President

    Karina Sousa, Club Secretary

    Ryan Callan, Club Treasurer

    2020 Susan Day, Rick Webster

    2021 Joe Sigurdson, Jennifer Lim

    2022 Monica Ball


    The meeting was adjourned at 12:39 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Karina Sousa, Kiwanis Club Secretary








  • 8 Jun 2019 8:30 AM | Karina Sousa (Administrator)

    Our International Children's Services Team took their Annual Trip to Tijuana on June 8th! The Kiwanians in attendance were John Rush, Conny Jamison, Jennifer Lim, Clare Truong, and Karina Sousa. They visited Vida Joven and Hospital Infantil de Los Californias! It is always a pleasure to see the great work these two organizations do for children that are in great need! Both Beth Beall and Betty Jones are incredibly inspiring for all the work they do! 

    Here are some pictures to recap the trip: 

  • 4 Jun 2019 12:00 PM | Karina Sousa (Administrator)

    On June 4th, we had a Kiwanis luncheon featuring our Gompers Preparatory Academy Key Club! These 10 vibrant students were accompanied by their incredible advisers! The students introduced themselves and then their new President began our Club Meeting! We heard from all of the seniors on where they plan to attend and what Key Club has meant to them. Everyone in attendance was inspired! We look forward to seeing all the great things these young adults will accomplish!

    Tim Callan was also in the house updating us on our Foundation! We received lots of positive information on our portfolio which is always a plus! Tim also included some useful financial information for the Key Club students on how to avoid major debt! 

Join our Club and perform extraordinary things in your community!

Kiwanis Club of San Diego is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

3276 Rosecrans Street, Suite 202, San Diego, CA   92110-4893

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