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  • 16 Oct 2024 9:30 AM | Anonymous

    Newly sworn in President Justin Frisco rang the bell to start our first meeting of the Kiwanis year.

    After the Pledge of Allegiance, we welcomed the many guests in the room, including a large contingent from Kiwanis of Alpine

    Jay Jeffcoat introduced our speaker Coach Brian Dutcher, SDSU Men's Basketball Head Coach. Coach Dutcher spoke about his background, his players, his staff, and his coaching philosophy. The audience was enthralled, asking many questions at the end of his presentation.

    Next, Greg and Karen Bower were honored with a Distinguished Service Award for being so engaged in our volunteer activities.

    We welcomed new member, Linda Dao, and presented her a Kiwanis lapel pin.

    We celebrated these October birthdays:

    • October 1 - Gordon Boerner
    • October 7 - John Rush
    • October 9 - Sanam Charlton
    • October 14 - Dick Shaw
    • October 16 - Jay Jeffcoat
    • October 16 - Paul Riggs
    • October 19 - Monica Ball
    • October 21 - Linda Dao

    Attendees generously donated Bill's Bucks:

    • Gordon Boerner - for missing the event he planned, for his birthday and for his years in the Club
    • Brian Krause - was wonderful to see Ryan Jeffcoat at a Padres game
    • Kiwanis Alpine members - great to see attend another Club's meetings
    • Karina Sousa - in honor of her upcoming wedding
    • Jay Jeffcoat - for his birthday and for his years in the Club
    • Claire LeBeau - grateful for today's program and our member years of support of the Campanile Foundation

    After reviewing past events, the meeting ended looking forward to upcoming events.

  • 18 Sep 2024 9:33 AM | Anonymous

    Club President Steve Morris rang the bell to open our last meeting of his presidency. Then Club Treasurer Brian Krause and Club Secretary Karina Sousa welcomed members to the first (and last) Kiwanis Olympic Games!

    They were thrilled to spot these Kiwanians in the crowd:

    • Eldon Thompson
    • Monica Ball
    • Lauren Cook
    • Heather Robinson
    • John Rush
    • Division 11 Lt. Governor Martha Futterman
    • Imperial Beach/South Bay Kiwanis President Steve Futterman
    • Southeastern Kiwanis President Nathan Brooks

    Steve Morris, Vice President Justin Morris, and Jay Jeffcoat joined the MCs to get the party started and hand out some kudos!

    Wendy Reuben received a Distinguished Service Award for taking on the membership team as incoming chair. She also received her 35-year Legion of Honor pin.

    Glen Honig received a Distinguished Service Award for joining the Board and participating in so many service projects.

    Mike Boland received a Distinguished Service Award for his leadership of the community service team and participation in so many of the service projects.

    Emily Moberly received the Youth Service Award for her participation in service projects this year, alongside her adorable children.

    Brittany Curran received the George F. Hixson Fellowship for her leadership of the scholarship team.

    Gordon Boerner was honored with the Don McKee Spirit of Kiwanis Award for his two years of presidency of the Foundation plus his dedication to the Club. He also received a Ruby K pin because of his incredible membership recruiting efforts.

    Karina Sousa was honored with a brand new perpetual award -- the Do All Be All Award -- for everything she does and is. She also received a Ruby K pin for her successful membership recruiting.

    Lt Gov Martha Futterman inducted the new Club board:

    President Justin Frisco
    Immediate Past President Steve Morris
    Vice President Gordon Boerner
    Club Secretary Karina Sousa
    Club Treasurer
    Brian Krause
    Class of 2025 Glen Honig, Lance Grob
    Class of 2026 Tom Bauer, Lauren Cook
    Class of 2027 Ryan Callan, Wendy Reuben 

    and the new Foundation board:

    President  Claire LeBeau (Class of 2025)
    Immediate Past President  Gordon Boerner (Class of 2027)
    Vice President
    Joe Sigurdson (Class of 2026) 
    Secretary/Treasurer Karina Sousa (Class of 2027) 
    Investment Committee Chair  Chuck Day (Class of 2027) 
    Class of 2025  Carl Nettleton, Jay Jeffcoat 
    Class of 2026  Jim Floros, Brian Krause 
    Club Ex-Oficio  Justin Frisco 
    Scholarship Chair  Brittany Curran 

    Jay Jeffcoat received a Ruby K pin for his recruitment of so many members, many of whom were in the room.

    Carl Nettleton received his 30-year Legion of Honor pin.

    Cal-Nev-Ha Governor Doug Frost received his 40-year Legion of Honor pin.

    Eldon Thompson belatedly received his 40-year Legion of Honor pin, earned in 2022.

    Lunch ended with a thank you to Club Operations Administrator Judith Eisenberg and all of the Elijah's Restaurant crew.

    Looking forward to good things in the new Kiwanis year!

  • 21 Aug 2024 10:25 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris rang the bell to open the meeting. After we all recited the Pledge of Allegiance, we welcomed guests:

    • Matthew Pohl from the Imperial Beach Kiwanis Club
    • Bob Morris from the San Diego Symphony

    Next member Carl Nettleton introduced our speaker, Julie Coker,

    CEO of the San Diego Tourism Authority.

    We learned so much about why San Diego is an amazing place to live and to visit, and how the San Diego Tourism Authority markets our "bright" city!

    Next we celebrated Brittany Curran's August birthday, in absentia.

    Then new district Governor Doug Frost showed off the new banner he got at the convention.

    Members gave Bill's Bucks in honor of their celebrations including:

    • Monica Ball whose daughter is having a baby
    • John Rush who is excited about the upcoming FDD gala
    • Karina Sousa who is planning the upcoming FDD gala
    • Shaun McArdle who welcomed everyone to tour the Maritime Museum
    • Gordon Boerner who was thrilled to represent the Foundation at the Habitat for Humanity event

    And, a couple of members were spotted being honored in print so they were fined. Congrats to:

    • Sitara Setha

    • Jim Floros

    After recapping past events and looking forward to upcoming events, President Morris rang the bell to end the meeting.

  • 7 Aug 2024 9:29 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris opened the virtual meeting. and we were happy to welcome 5 guests from the Tierrasanta Kiwanis Club:

    • Rich Orr
    • Peter Penczar
    • Rex Warburton
    • Dave West
    • Jan Whitacre

    Jay Jeffcoat told us about his history in the founding of 211 San Diego, then introduced their CFO and our speaker, Paul Redfern.

    Members and guests on the call were impressed to learn about the important work that 211 San Diego does for our community. They have many government and nonprofit partners and provide a myriad of services.

    Next, we heard from Kristin Haywood of Nativity Prep Academy. Nativity Prep prepares low-income middle school and high school students for college success.

    Just one birthday to celebrate in August, but we were pleased she was on our call. Happy birthday to Brittany Curran!

    Karina Sousa pledged Bill's Bucks in recognition of the amazing service project over the weekend with Habitat for Humanity building two playhouses.

    Gordon Boerner echoed those sentiments with his Bill's Bucks pledge and added that the two playhouses would be going to local military families.

    After a review of events past and look forward to the excitement coming, our meeting was adjourned. If you missed it, you can catch the recap online:

  • 17 Jul 2024 10:50 AM | Anonymous

    Club Secretary Karina Sousa rang the bell to open our July luncheon meeting.

    After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, we welcomed guests:

    • Scott and Karen Tritt
    • Allie Cohn

    Next, Wendy Reuben introduced our speaker, Georgeanne Irvine, from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.

    Georgeanne shared stories about her years at the zoo. She also generously donated two of the zoo's children's book publications for auction. Congratulations to winning bidder Gordon Boerner.

    Zoo volunteers and Club members Wendy Reuben and Sherry Dietz were equally excited about the books and speaker.

    We celebrated these July birthdays:

    • July 1, Jeremy Alexander
    • July 3, Sitara Sethi
    • July 20, Chuck Day
    • July 25, Greg Bower

    and members donated Bill's Bucks in honor of:

    • Jeremy Alexander - birthday plus years in the Club
    • Doug Frost - great visit with his daughter after the Kiwanis Convention

    • Emily Moberly - fabulous trip to Honduras
    • Gordon Boerner - spotted in Giving Back magazine
    • Monica Ball - great time at the Zoo

    After a look back to the last month's events and forward nod to what's coming, our meeting concluded.

  • 19 Jun 2024 10:16 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris rang the bell to kick off our June in-person meeting and led our recitation of the pledge of allegiance.

    Next, we welcomed our guests including:

    • Stephen Raynor and his son, 3rd and 4th generation Kiwanians from Plano, Texas
    • Matthew Pohl from the IB Kiwanis Club
    • Friends of member Wendy Reuben
    • Friends of member Heather Robinson
    • Bob Morris from the San Diego Symphony and friend of member Jay Jeffcoat

    Carl Nettleton introduced our speaker.

    Speaker Garry Bonelli told us stories about his time with the Navy Seals and answered questions from the audience.

    We celebrated June birthdays:

    • June 7 - David Jay
    • June 12 - Eldon Thompson
    • June 13 - Ryan Callan
    • June 18 - Justin Frisco

    Members generously donated Bill's Bucks:

    • Doug Frost - happy to be at the meeting
    • Jay Jeffcoat - he is proud of his mentee through Rescue Mission; La Jolla Playhouse's own "The Outsiders" won the Tony for best musical; Jay was photographed at the grand opening of "The Ballad of Johnny and June" in Western gear; he loves the new symphony building
    • Matt Pohl - excited about the US Open
    • Stephen Raynor - happy to be visiting our club with his son
    • Sherry Dietz - her casita passed inspection
    • Bob Morris - enjoyed spending Father's Day with son and grandson
    • Heather Robinson - won the "on the lookout" award at work
    • Carl Nettleton - spent the weekend with two of his grandchildren
    • Gordon Boerner - honored to have 3rd and 4th generation Kiwanians at our meeting
    After a quick recap of past events and look into the future, our meeting adjourned.
  • 5 Jun 2024 9:17 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris kicked off our virtual meeting by welcoming everyone on the call.

    Then Tyler Simmons from the Wave Futbol Club got us excited for the upcoming game we are attending as a Club on Friday.

    Secretary Karina Sousa introduced our speaker, Alexandra Stephenson, from Girls Rising Above Child Exploitation. Alexandra told us about the amazing work her organization is doing locally.

    We celebrated these June birthdays:

    • June 7 - David Jay
    • June 12 - Eldon Thompson
    • June 13 - Ryan Callan
    • June 18 - Justin Frisco

    and these members generously donated Bill's Bucks:

    • Eldon Thompson - celebrating his birthday and many years in the Club
    • Karina Sousa - enjoying being engaged with bachelorette parties with friends
    • Gordon Boerner - recently ran into a prior Kiwanis member Jim Ledwidth
    • John Rush - happy he can participate on these virtual calls from his home in Arizona
    • Heather Robinson - enjoyed our service project last weekend

    After a recap of past events and look forward to future, we concluded the meeting. If you missed it, check out the video online:

  • 22 May 2024 10:25 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris rang the bell to begin our May 21, 2024 meeting.

    After the Pledge of Allegiance, we welcomed guest:

    • Prospective member Cesar Felix
    • Prospective member Joseph Selfani
    • Attila Tota
    • Zitlau scholarship winner Patrick Loehr
    • Southwestern Kiwanis member for an interclub Nathan Brooks

    Steven Dinkin, President of the National Conflict Resolution Center, spoke about ending the school-to-prison pipeline. Our interested crew asked many questions about this important topic.

    Next, Amber Bertelsen introduced our Zitlau Scholarship winner Patrick Loehr.

    We celebrated these May birthdays:

    • May 6 – Lance Grob
    • May 8 – Emily Moberly
    • May 12 – Karina Sousa
    • May 21 – Eric Wever
    • May 31 – Mark McDonald
    • May 31 – Wendy Reuben

    Members and guests generously made donations:

    • Lauren Cook will be having surgery in June but prior to that invited everyone to an SOSL fundraiser June 8.
    • Monica Ball invited everyone to the Kids at Heart picnic June 8.
    • Gordon Boerner was pleased his wife Leigh represented him at the March for Babies service project.
    • Karina Sousa was glad she was able to bring Ruby to the event and also welcomed all our guests.
    • Monica Ball won the auction for a bobblehead.

    Foundation President Gordon Boerner asked our members to also generously donate to our Foundation campaign.

    Then we did a recap of past events and a look into the future before Vice President Justin Frisco rang the bell to end the meeting.

  • 8 May 2024 9:45 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris opened the virtual meeting by welcoming guests from the Tierrasanta Key Club:

    • Peter Penczar
    • Hani Shatila
    • Rex Warburton
    • Dave West

    and a former St. Augustine Academy Key Club member Kai da Luz.

    Then we held our annual meeting to approve the minutes from the August 15, 2023 prior annual meeting and elect the 2024-5 board slate:

    • Justin Frisco, President
    • Steve Morris, Immediate Past President
    • Gordon Boerner, Vice President
    • Karina Sousa, Club Secretary
    • Brian Krause, Club Treasurer
    • 2025: Glen Honig, Lance Grob
    • 2026: Tom Bauer, Lauren Cook
    • 2027: Ryan Callan, Wendy Reuben

    After adjournment of the annual meeting, member Mark McDonald introduced our speaker, Valley Center Kiwanis Club member Jim Dorschel who spoke about the stigma surrounding mental health.

    Next, Sunny Rey and Anthony Azzarito, founders of Poets Underground, introduced us to their organization.

    We celebrated these member birthdays:

    • May 6 - Lance Grob
    • May 8 - Emily Moberly
    • May 12 - Karina Sousa
    • May 21 - Eric Wever
    • May 31 - Mark McDonald
    • May 31 - Wendy Reuben

    Members shared good news with each other in the form of Bill's Bucks:

    • Karina Sousa celebrated her Bachelorette Party in Cabo
    • Jeremy Alexander will remain in San Diego for at least another year
    • Mark McDonald celebrated his birthday and years as a member
    • Lance Grob saved a drowning man and his family in Mission Bay
    • Karen and Greg Bowers' son is graduating from SDSU
    • Jay Jeffcoat will miss our networking event in the East Village

    After recapping prior events and looking at what is on the horizon, we concluded our meeting. If you missed it, check out the recording:

  • 1 May 2024 10:05 AM | Anonymous

    President Steve Morris opened the meeting by ringing the bell. After reciting the pledge of allegiance, we welcomed members from Bonita Kiwanis, Hillcrest All-inclusive Kiwanis, Southeastern Kiwanis and Tierrasanta Kiwanis.


    Then long-time member Jay Jeffcoat introduced our speaker Mark Grant.

    The full house was engaged and entertained. As a thank you, the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation made a donation in Mark Grant's honor to the St. Madeline Sophie's Center.

    We celebrated April birthdays, and all honorees were in attendance:

    • April 3- Sherry Dietz
    • April 18 - Doug Frost
    • April 23 - Steve Morris
    • April 25 - Shaun McArdle

    Members were generous in their Bill's Bucks donations and fines including:

    • Steve Morris - who forgot his Kiwanis pin
    • Neill Kovrig - who was grateful for all the clubs in attendance and a great speaker
    • Kate Kovrig - who enjoyed celebrating the fellowship of Kiwanis
    • Joe Sigurdson - whose nonprofit had a fantastic celebration
    • Monica Ball - who invited everyone to a STAR/PAL event
    • Gordon Boerner - who was happy to attend other nonprofit events while representing Kiwanis
    • Jim Floros - who is a long-time friend of Mark Grant
    • Wendy Reuben - who is headed to her high school reunion
    • Walt Groves - who invited everyone to the Bonita Kiwanis golf event
    • Karina Sousa - who self-fined as she was spotted on the Padres Jumbotron without her Kiwanis pin

    After a recap of past events and look forward to future ones, the meeting wrapped up.

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Kiwanis Club of San Diego is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

3276 Rosecrans Street, Suite 202, San Diego, CA   92110-4893

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