
  • 9 Nov 2020 2:46 PM | Anonymous

     Thanksgiving month kicked off for the San Diego Kiwanis Club when President Mike Boland rang the opening bell on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. President Boland welcomed members and guests and asked Club Treasurer Ryan Callan to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Immediate Past President Judy Leitner then gave a warm invocation that set the tone of the meeting. Instead of a live/virtual singer the Club enjoyed a video from Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja, who is an Indonesian American actress well known for her 2018 rendition of the National Anthem. And we could all see why!

    President Boland was eager to welcome guests to the meeting as the first person he greeted was his mother and meeting visitor, Elaine Boland. He also was a happy to acknowledge Carla Camacho from Oceans Discovery Institute who was on hand to report on their recent grant award from the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation!

    While October had a plethora of birthdays with 7 members celebrating milestones, this month does not have the same turn out. The sole November birthday member is Brian Krause. Brian thanked everyone for their warm wishes, especially Club Media Officer Karina Sousa who has great photos like the one below at her fingertips.

    The Fines portion of the meeting was next and member Carl Nettleton was called out immediately. He was recently honored by the San Diego Press Club – and did not mention our Club at all! Carl was gracious and agreed to pay $20 – $10 dollars for each award! Congratulations!


    During the following “Bill’s Buck’s” highlight on the agenda, Club members donated money to the Club in honor of their parents, good news and opportunities, past members and some just “because”.

    Karina Sousa has been keeping track of attendance numbers for the Club and declared it time to announce the brand new “Member of the Month” award which will recognize attendance at Club meetings, online socials and volunteer opportunity events. As the drum rolled it was revealed that the first winner was…TWO PEOPLE! Members Steve Morris and Doug Frost tied with their involvement points and will share the honor.

    Ocean Discovery Institute was on hand to talk about the recent grant they received from the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation and how it continues their work. The organization uses ocean science to empower young people from underserved urban communities of color to transform their lives, their community, and the world as science and conservation leaders. Working in the San Diego community of City Heights, they provide continuous science opportunities paired with mentoring and the tools to overcome challenges ensuring that young people unlock their potential. Their programs are provided at no cost to students. Ocean Discovery Institute is proud that their students believe that

    A scientist is someone they can be.

    They achieve because of it.

    They lead by entering high-paying STEM fields and making a difference.

    After thanking the presenters President Boland shared upcoming events and opportunities for members and a spontaneous backyard horticulture session took place as meeting attendees asked for and gave advice on residential planting and best practices. Perhaps seeing it was getting out of hand Mr. Boland ended the meeting and encouraged everyone to register for the next three events!

    Watch the full video of the luncheon below! 

  • 21 Oct 2020 4:32 PM | Anonymous

    2020-2021 President Mike Boland rang the bell at 12:03 and the second meeting of October started for the San Diego Kiwanis Club.  Mike welcomed everyone, and member Steve Morris, who recently joined the San Diego Food System Alliance as the Director of Development led the pledge of allegiance.  The invocation was written by Club Member and UPLIFT Board Member Monica Ball who joined the meeting later and was read aloud by President Boland.

    Dear God,

    Today we thank you for bringing us together in Kiwanis as an earthly force for good. We pray for those whose health is compromised by the coronavirus or other health issues and those who have lost loved ones for any reason recently. We pray for our excellent health care workers, first responders, and other public servants who have bravely put themselves in harm’s way to protect us. We pray for those who are suffering from the economic impact of the virus, and for American ingenuity to rise and build back better. We pray to right racial equity wrongs of the past, unlock true opportunity for all and help everyone remember they possess a value & purpose, peace & freedom and joy & strength the world didn’t give them & the world can’t take away. All that comes from you God! We pray You help us love like You love, that means even people that don’t vote like we do.


    After an upbeat version of “Anchors Away” member Karina Sousa reminded everyone about ZOOM etiquette and then it was time to chat with attendees. Getting some “Interclub” vibes going it was great to see Melanie and Jim Nickel from the Ocean Beach Club and hear about their experience so far in 2020. The Nickels started OB’s popular Kite Festival which is traditionally held in the Spring and was eventually cancelled this year due to COVID-19.  The OB Club is only a few years away from their centennial anniversary and we are looking forward to hearing more about it in the future.  It was also nice to meet several of Club Vice President Susan Day’s colleagues from the Burn Institute including Leilani Stone, Loretta Turner and Tesa Haviland.

    Ms. Sousa reminded everyone that Club Members are “encouraged” to make a donation to the Club each year on their birthdays and offered up the October birthday list for a second time!

    • Gordon Boerner
    • Susan Day
    • John Rush
    • Dick Shaw
    • Jay Jeffcoat
    • Paul Riggs
    • Monica Ball
    • Gary Knight

    President Boland had to start the fines portion of the day be giving himself one for the wrong baseball attire as well as having a barking dog in the background. Who doesn’t these days? But the Club accepted his money and was glad to have it! Glen Honig had to leave early so he accepted a fine and others chimed in with theirs as well.

    When it came to Happy Dollars Immediate Past President Judy Leitner put money in the pot for her niece’s recent engagement and Joe Sigurdson put $20 happy dollars in for the work Boys To Men is still doing during COVID-19. He shared photos of volunteers putting up yurts on the agency campground with money provided by the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation. He was excited to share their efforts and promised to report back on their progress.


    Members were encouraged to fill out the membership survey which has been emailed to everyone. We would really like everyone to participate in the quick questionnaire which helps the Board shape the meetings and activities that the Club takes on.  Karina Sousa shared that in the future there will be prizes for the most meetings attended as well as special socials and other Club volunteer and service opportunities.

    At 12:45 President Boland welcomed Eli Strait, RN, BSN, CCRN who is the Burn Program Manager for the UCSD Burn Center.  The first thing Eli shared with the group was exactly what NOT to put on a burn. And some of the home remedies we heard from our families are not as helpful as we thought. In fact, most home remedies will do more harm than good.

    Eli shared information about the work done at the Burn Center because unfortunately, burn injuries continue to be one of the leading causes of unintentional death and injury in the US. And more tragically children and disabled individuals are especially vulnerable to burn injuries. It was tough to hear that over 70% of scalding burns in children are preventable. 

    We appreciate Eli joining us and educating the Club on a little discussed topic and thank member Susan Day at the San Diego Burn Institute for setting up the meeting.

    After some quick housekeeping items and reminders for upcoming meetings the Mr. Boland rang the bell at 1:29 pm and the meeting adjourned.

    Watch the full video of the meeting below! 

  • 6 Oct 2020 7:48 PM | Anonymous

    Anticipation was high for incoming President Mike Boland’s first official meeting! Once he sounded the bell Gordon Boerner led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed Justin Frisco who delivered a warm invocation for the day.

    Doug Frost led the song and kept it upbeat and after Karina Sousa reminded everyone about ZOOM etiquette the group was ready to go. As the program included a tasting element Judy Leitner was established as the Chairperson for the day and welcomed guest Lauren Passaro, who founded Kensington Café and co-owns Del Sur and The Haven Pizzeria on Adams Avenue with business partner Kate Grimes.

    The tasting menu for the day gave attendees an option of a chicken, cheese, beef, bean/plantain, or veggie enchilada topped with a choice of green, red or mole sauce and accompanied with beans, rice, and chips.  While people sampled their meals, Lauren shared her story with the group which included the anecdote of how she bought the Del Sur location from an ad on Craig’s List! Ms. Passaro highlighted the difficulties COVID-19 has posed for the restaurant industry as well as her locations in specific. She encouraged members to stop by anytime and thanked everyone for supporting local locations like hers. Everyone agreed to food was fantastic with the mole winning high praise from the eaters!

    President Boland took a few minutes to recap the previous meeting which not only included the Club Installation of the Board but was wildly entertaining with skits and funny videos – all thanks to Brian Krause and Karina Sousa!

    There are EIGHT birthdays in October:

    • Gordon Boerner
    • Susan Day
    • John Rush
    • Dick Shaw
    • Jay Jeffcoat
    • Paul Riggs
    • Monica Ball
    • Gary Knight

    President Boland led the fines and Bill’s Bucks portion of the day which quite a bit more than normal as every Club member is encouraged to give a dollar for each year they have been alive and one for every year they have been a member. October is a great financial month for the club!

    Karina Sousa shared some throwback Tidings which are the Kiwanis Club of San Diego’s newsletters from the past 100 years. The sample shared was from October 4, 1994, and Bruce Boland (Mike’s Dad!) was the Chairperson of the day. What a great memory for our second-generation Kiwanian President Mike Boland!

    The meeting ended with some quiz questions to get the group ready for the next game night and one question stumped several people. The question was:

    How many Kiwanis Objectives are there?

    While everyone got some right it was clear we need a brush up on this topic. I bet well see this question again and hopefully get it right.

    And the answers are:

           Object 1: To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.

           Object 2: To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

           Object 3: To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business, and professional standards.

           Object 4: To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.

           Object 5: To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities.

           Object 6: To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.

    Stay well and strong and we will see you next time on October 20th!

    Watch the full video of the meeting below! 

  • 22 Sep 2020 5:25 PM | Anonymous

    President Judy Leitner brought the San Diego Kiwanis Club’s Annual Installation meeting to order for the last time as the 2019-2020 President. Members and attendees were in a great mood as they anticipated the fun to be provided by Brian Krause and Karina Sousa with their second annual “Anchorman” themed awards and presentations.

    Incoming 2020-2021 President Mike Boland led the Pledge of Allegiance and Steve Morris provided the invocation before President Leitner was invited back to the podium and recognized as a two-time Kiwanis President, past Foundation President, past Laurels for Leaders President, and past Division 11 Lieutenant Governor. Judy shared how honored she was to lead the Club during its 100th Anniversary and highlighted some events from the year which was difficult and rewarding at the same time.

    Mayor Faulconer sent a video of the proclamation that he issued in honor of the Club’s special day and then it was time for birthdays. Mr. Krause greeted each birthday member with some personalized zingers for each member.

    September Member Birthdays:

    •  Tom Bauer
    •   Jim Floros
    •  Claire LeBeau
    •  Carl Nettleton

    Claire LeBeau from STARPAL received a Distinguished Service Award for 2019-2020 and was thanked for her work on the Environmental Committee. Fellow September birthday buddy Carl Nettleton was honored with a Community Service Award which was much deserved.

    Justin Frisco was happy to honor member Jim Melvin with his 45-year Kiwanis Legion of Honor Pin. Jim is a great asset to the Club and recruited both Judy Leitner and Justin himself to join the Club.

    Justin Frisco was honored for his continued service to the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation which he served as President in 2018-2019 in addition to recognizing David Jay for his efforts as a Trustee and Board Secretary. Chuck Day and Steve Morris were also praised for their efforts to continue the legacy and financial soundness of the Foundation.

    Doug Frost presented member Charlie Coleman with the Kiwanis Tablet of Honor and thanked him for his years of service to the Club in a variety of needed roles.

    The hosts recognized other prominent Kiwanians who contributed in a significant manner to the Club during the first 100 years highlighting:  Bill Gibbs, Walt Zitlau, Junior Todd, Ed Meese Tim O’Reilly, John Kizer, Gene Auerbach, Ethel, Corrinne, Conny Jamison, Norma Trost, and Charley Kakos who still has a day named after him here in town!

    Karina Sousa was thrilled to present the William A. Dunlap Fellowship Award to Shawn McArdle and also took a moment to give him his 20-year Legion of Honor Pin!  Shaun is a beloved Club member and always ready for fun.

    Although District Secretary Mark McDonald was in attendance hosts Brian and Karina sidelined him and decided to install the 2020-2021 Board themselves. They thanked outgoing members for their service:

    President                               Judy Leitner

    Immediate Past President  Brian Krause

    Vice President                      Mike Boland

    Club Secretary                      Karina Sousa

    Club Treasurer                     Ryan Callan

    Class of 2020                        Susan Day

                                                    Danny Williams

    Class of 2021                        Joe Sigurdson

                                                    Jennifer Lim

    Class of 2022                        Sally Hazzard

                                                  Gary Knight

    And then immediately ushered the 2020-2021 Board into place with an oath and proclamation.

    President       Mike Boland

    Immediate Past President  Judy Leitner

    Vice President          Susan Day

    Club Secretary          Gary Knight

    Club Treasurer         Ryan Callan

    2021   Alexandra Kritchevsky

                Heather Robinson

    2022   Sally Hazzard

                Karina Sousa

    2023   Glen Honig

                Brian Krause

    Brian Krause honored 12-year Kiwanian Ryan Callan for his ongoing service to the Club as a past president and more recently the Club Treasurer. Mr. Callan was presented with a Hixon Fellowship Award and thanked the Club for its confidence in him.

    Newly installed President Mike Boland took a few moments to share his vision for the next year and the future of the Club which featured a theme of the "2nd Century of Service". He was presented with a Distinguished Service Award and thanked everyone for contributing their time and energy.

    After announcements and “Bill’s Bucks” which are staples of every meeting, the meeting wound down as Club Secretary, Foundation Trustee and Kiwanis Expert Karina Sousa was awarded a Hixon Fellowship for her enormous efforts on behalf of the Club. THANK YOU, KARINA!

    Then, with instructions to “Stay Classy San Diego” the meeting was adjourned, and everyone zoomed off.

    See you next time on October 6th!

    Watch the amazing performance by Brian Burgundy + Karina Corningstone below! 

  • 1 Sep 2020 1:23 PM | Anonymous
    The San Diego Kiwanis Club had a big day on September 1st as it celebrated its 100th Anniversary year and welcomed San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Natalie Armenta from High Tech High led the pledge and Club member Gordon Boerner from US Bank followed with the invocation. President Leitner had the pleasure of welcoming multiple guests to the meeting which had over 65 attendees!

    Guests included:

    • CNH Kiwanis District Secretary, Mark McDonald
    • Division 11 Lt. Governor Gary Trieschman
    • Members from the Grantville-Allied Gardens - George & Kathy Butterstein, Alan Young, Anne Rosser, and Joe Utschig
    • Members from the Scripps Ranch Kiwanis Club Craig Bratlien, Tom/Lynn Bilotta, Ken Dubowski, and Holt Mebane
    • Members from the Ocean Beach Kiwanis Melanie and Jim Nickel
    • CNH District Co-Chair and Hidden Valley Kiwanis Club member Dave Schmitt
    • And past Laurels for Leaders President and Kiwanis member Sean Puckett

    President Leitner highlighted the Centennial Year Grant Funding that was issued by the Club and Foundation and included a $55,000 grant to the YMCA/Camp Marston facility as well as $50,000 to the Boys & Girls Club of San Diego. Tom Madeyski, Executive Director of the San Diego YMCA Camps spoke to the group and thanked them for their contribution which allowed the pool to be completely refurbished and upgraded. He was quick to point out that it was a full-circle project as the San Diego Kiwanis Club provided the initial funds which built the pool over 50-years ago.

    Other grant recipients were recognized including the Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego ($20,000), the San Diego Food Bank ($20,000), STARPAL ($12,500) the San Diego Burn Institute ($4,150) and the New Children’s Museum ($3,000).

    Mayor Faulconer joined the meeting to congratulate the Club on their 100th year Anniversary and thanked the organization for its many contribution to the San Diego community during its long existence. He was complimentary of the work done by Kiwanis International, but especially the San Diego Kiwanis Club and its long history of philanthropy and volunteer service to the people of the region. 

    The Club closed out the meeting with lively discussion and a touching “Thank You” video from Monarch School who wanted to express their gratitude to the Club for their many years of service to the school and its children.

    Kids DO need Kiwanis!

    Watch the live proclamation from our San Diego Mayor below! 

  • 18 Aug 2020 12:36 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club continued its streak of great meetings on August 18 as it welcomed guest speakers from SAY San Diego. President Judy Leitner rang the bell and after a patriotic song and sincere invocation for the nation – the meeting took off. Club Secretary and “Fun Chair” Karina Sousa offered this icebreaker to the group:

    What is your favorite Quarantine Snack?

    The answers were varied with Joe Sigurdson swearing by his fried egg sandwiches while others went for items like chips, popcorn, and pretzels. John Rush mentioned his favorite peanut butter pretzels from Trader Joe’s which also provides the tai chili lime cashews that Karina has been enjoying. And you can never go wrong with Costco who sells Pub Mix and the giant jalapeno and garlic olives that Glen Honig is fond of. The big take away was that no one was eating particularly healthy! We will need to schedule another virtual workout meeting if lockdown continues.

    President Leitner moved the agenda into the fines and Bill’s Bucks portion of the day and immediately called out Club member Steve Morris. Steve recently got engaged and did not tell anyone! Steve graciously took his punishment and contributed his cash.

    The group was saddened to hear that longtime Kiwanian and San Diegan restaurant owner, John Pernicano had passed away due to cancer complications. Mark McDonald, Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis Executive Director remembered him fondly saying:

    “John was full of life; he would come to the Downtown Club and every one of those people knew him. He would come down often and bring his squeeze box (accordion) and a tuba player and play music. It was all those little things … you just laughed, just loved it. He was famous for his fundraisers at his restaurant. He would say, ‘I’ll sell the beverages at the bar, you can have all the pasta you want. I will donate the pasta.’”

    He will be missed.

    SAY San Diego took over the screen to share about their organization and speaker Lizzy Hurd’s focus at the organization and its partnerships and services which address the comprehensive needs of the entire individual or family rather than focusing on one symptom or problem. She is a community organizer for their project which is the North City Prevention Coalition (NCPC) which is designed to program is designed to help prevent youth alcohol and other drug use.

    After her presentation she took questions from the group which included:

    Q: Does income level relate in any way to overdose deaths? Unfortunately, the answer was that opioid related deaths are associated with living in poverty. A stunning statistic showed that people who are living in poverty were almost 2 times more likely to have an opioid related death.

    Judge Vic Bianchini asked if Narcan (an opioid overdose reversal medication) has a shelf life and was happy to find it can be used for three years after the date of issue.

    The meeting wrapped up and adjourned at 1:30 with everyone looking forward to the September 1st meeting with Mayor Kevin Faulconer.

    View the full video of the meeting below!

  • 4 Aug 2020 1:33 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club welcomed August with a packed house for the first Tuesday meeting.  President Judy Leitner rang the bell and welcomed long time club member Shaun McCardle gave a touching invocation that left the group grounded and ready for a great meeting.  Jay Jeffcoat was back to lead the opening song after a regrettable absence at the previous meeting and “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” never sounded so good!

    Guests in attendance included Natalia Armenta from High Tech High School’s Media Arts Environmental Club who joined the meeting to check out the Club before their group joined us for a joint beach clean-up project on Saturday, August 22nd.  Anne Usher from The Pew Charitable Trusts was also a first-time visitor who is new to San Diego and passionate about the luncheon’s subject matter.

    Secretary Karina Sousa started the Meet & Greet portion of the day with the question “What habits have you picked up in Quarantine, and the answers were interesting. Gardening seemed to rule the room with many Club members admitting they spend a lot of time at Home Depot while some felt their personal routines had changed dramatically. Karina herself is an early riser that now finds it hard to get out of bed and Sally Hazzard has organized her house and belongs…. several times! Everyone is keeping busy, but we are looking forward to meeting again in person!

    Fines and Happy Dollars went quickly with donations flying in. Despite the fees raised at luncheons the Club is still financially strong due to donations received throughout the year – most of them during COVID.  Kiwanis Cares!

    The speaker for the day, was introduced and Club member Carl Nettleton took control of the screen to share about OpenOceans Global and what they are doing to solve the Ocean’s plastic crisis. The information was fascinating and gave a global overview of just what is happening to our oceans, rivers, and water ways due to our reliance on plastics.  Everyone enjoyed the presentation, and many stayed after to quiz Carl with questions.

    The Club had a few minutes to talk about upcoming events with the Tuesday Trivia Nights figuring largely into the mix. Everyone is invited to attend and there is the ultimate Club Prize for winning – bragging rights.

    The meeting adjourned at 12:31.

    Join us on September 1st when we welcome Mayor Kevin Faluconer!

  • 27 Jul 2020 10:56 AM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club kicked of its Annual Meeting with Vice-President Mike Boland taking over the reins from President Judy Leitner who called in to support. The bell was rung promptly at noon and Club members recited the pledge of allegiance and were then ready for the song. Unfortunately, member and avid Padres fan Jay Jeffcoat had been taped to sing “Take me Out to the Ball Game” but had technical difficulties and couldn’t dial in.

    VP Boland welcomed guests which included Lt. Governor of Division 11, Gary Trieschman who brought the Club up to date on District activities and the rescheduled District Convention. Secretary Karina Sousa went over our July birthdays and we gave a shout out to those celebrating milestones:

    7/6 – Charlie Coleman

    7/8 – Danny Williams

    7/9 – June Prewitt

    7/20 – Chuck Day

    7/29 – Rick Webster

    The Fines and Bill’s Bucks portion of the day melded into one as members gave donations and shared their happy and/or challenging news. Karina Sousa offered up $10 for her parents 36th wedding anniversary with Mike Boland contributing $20 for his 20th wedding anniversary. Gordon Boerner gave “just because” and other members followed suit.

    It was time for the Annual Meeting of the Kiwanis Club of San Diego and Secretary Sousa officiated over the official business portion of the agenda. Members had been

    Members had been notified in advance and quickly adopted and voted unanimously to approve the following agenda and slate.




    President, Mike Boland

    Immediate Past President, Judy Leitner

    Vice President, Susan Day

    Club Secretary, Gary Knight

    Club Treasurer, Ryan Callan

    Class of 2021: Alexandra Kritchevsky, Heather Robinson

    Class of 2022: Sally Hazzard, Karina Sousa

    Class of 2023: Glen Honig, Brian Krause


    After the business meeting it was time for the main event when we welcomed San Diego County Treasurer -Tax Collector and former Club member Dan McAllister.

    Dan gave us some great stats and insights into trends and developments in a strange year. He reminded the group that his job is to collect monies due to the County so that is available when the initiatives it was intended for are ready for payment. Not surprisingly education is the number one receiver of assessed funds.

    The Club had a few minutes to talk about upcoming events with the Tuesday Trivia Nights figuring largely into the mix. Everyone is invited to attend and there are great prizes, in addition to the ultimate Club Prize – bragging rights.

    The meeting adjourned at 12:33.

    Join us on September 1st when we welcome Mayor Kevin Faluconer!

  • 13 Jul 2020 3:38 PM | Anonymous

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club started July with a bang at the first Tuesday luncheon with President Judy Leitner ringing the bell promptly at noon. Club Secretary Karina Sousa led the pledge and Foundation Immediate Past President Justin Frisco gave a moving eulogy that set just the right tone.

    After a quick review of ZOOM etiquette Judy welcomed guests beginning with former member and long-time Kiwanian Chuck Mulroy greeting the group and giving a brief update of what he had been up to. Nostalgic stories abound when long time members June Prewitt and John Rush weighed in with their own happenings. June had a birthday coming up and pledged over $100 to the Club and Foundation in honor of the milestone.

    Guest Anthony Gamino was present, and as he introduced himself, he told us why he was interested in joining the Club. He seems to have a heart for volunteering and his membership will be active soon!

    There were many members who had not remembered to wear their pin or badge and the fines were handed out liberally and even President Leitner had to submit cash for her pin oversight. While fines were being discussed the “Bill’s Bucks” portion of the day took over and guests and members contributed money to tell about life items that made them happy, sad or both. It was a welcome surprise to find Justin Frisco had brought back a gift (Delicious wine) from his recent vacation and he gave it up for the highest bidder…who ended up being Chuck Mulroy – who bought it in honor of Birthday Girl June Prewitt. Thank you, Justin, and congrats to June!


    o   7/6 – Charlie Coleman

    o   7/8 – Danny Williams

    o   7/9 – June Prewitt

    o   7/20 – Chuck Day

    o   7/29 – Rick Webster

    Patrick Hall from Kiwanis International attended to give an update on the Kiwanis Children’s Fund and the good work it does globally. We were excited to hear the San Diego Kiwanis Club is in the top 2% of giving for the organization!  For the Kiwanis family, the Children's Fund is a way of reaching children through grants, scholarship programs and Kiwanis youth programs. 

    Kiwanis Children's Fund

    The San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation held its annual meeting with President Jim Floros briefing the Club on what the Foundation had done over the last year. He reminded the audience that the Foundation gives away thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants each year to local, community-based non-profits and organizations.  He welcomed Tim Callan from Callan Capital to update the Club on the investments and financial planning that drives the fund. Mr. Callan shared market update that were especially timely considering COVID-19 hits on the Stock Market and ended with a report that the Foundation has over five million dollars in the fund as of 7/7/2020.

    The meeting closed with reminders about upcoming events including the wildly popular trivia night on Tuesday, July 14th. Will you be there?

    San Diego Kiwanis June 2020 Review.pdf

    Watch the full video of the meeting below! 

  • 18 Jun 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    San Diego Kiwanis Club Notice of Annual Meeting

    This Annual Meeting will include the Election of 2020/2021 Club Officer and the Class of 2023 Club Board of Directors, as well as the election of the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation 2020/2021 Board of Trustees.

    Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Time: Noon, or as soon thereafter as the meeting is called to order


    Posted: Thursday, June 18, 2020

    By: Karina Sousa, Club Secretary

    Annual Meeting of the General Membership of the

    San Diego Kiwanis Club

    July 21, 2020





    Mike Boland, President

    Judy Leitner, Immediate Past President

    Susan Day, Vice President

    Gary Knight, Club Secretary

    Ryan Callan, Club Treasurer

    2021 Alexandra Kritchevsky, Heather Robinson

    2022 Sally Hazzard, Karina Sousa

    2023 Glen Honig, Brian Krause



    July 21, 2020 Kiwanis Club of San Diego Annual Meeting Agenda

    July 16, 2019 Kiwanis Club of San Diego Annual Meeting Minutes 

Join our Club and perform extraordinary things in your community!

Kiwanis Club of San Diego is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

3276 Rosecrans Street, Suite 202, San Diego, CA   92110-4893

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