Vice President Susan Day opened our virtual luncheon by welcoming all members and guests attending.
Jay Jeffcoat introduced our speaker, Jon Haveman Executive Director of the National Economic Education Delegation.
Jon gave an interesting and informative discussion of Climate Change Economics, ending with an educated Q&A session.
There were no August birthdays to celebrate, so members were asked to self-fine or boast about their goings in which included:
- Karina Sousa - can't remember everyone's fines and missed the last Happy Hour she planned
- Carl Nettleton - his non-profit Open Oceans Global got media coverage when announcing Citizen Science Initiative
- Doug Frost - forgot his pin
- Ryan Callan - forgot his pin
- Jeremy Alexander- forgot his pin
- David Jay- forgot his pin & was Zooming from Kentucky where he was celebrating his sister's birthday
Susan Day gave a brief summary of the Burn Institute's Camp Beyond the Stars that was supported by a grant from the Foundation.
If you missed it, you can watch the video and then plan to join us next time!